after the top was done, it was time to move on to the base. everything was mostly mocked-up and decided, but i did leave room to move, and put a few things through the planer after all the joinery was complete and i had a better idea of the weights.
everything starts with the layout. a good trick i learnt from lord godfrey is to use envelope stickers to mark stuff out on dark woods. works like a charm.

the long rails have a slight angle on the ends of them. i put the joinery parallel to the rail and angled in the legs. consistent spacing between the tenons is gotten by using a spacer to go from the top one to the bottom one. this operation happens 24 times, i'll spare you the photos.
fitting the tenons. i did a bunch of them by hand because i don't have a round over bit for every size. it took a while... and then daisuke said, ''don't you have a chamfer bit''. so smart.
everything in this photo is dry fit. that means that the joinery is all done, but no glue has been applied yet. at this stage i marked out what needed to get some shape and had a better look at the whole thing with the top.
the shaping for the three short rails was done on the drill press. such a nice detail and so easy to do. this accentuates the floating of the top.
after all the shaping was done to the legs and correspondingly to the rails, it was time for getting a finished surface. daisuke brought a few shapton stones on his visit, which he was gracious enough to leave with me, and boy oh boy, my planes have never worked to nicely. thanks daisuke.
all the parts got finished before the glue up. at this point, i find it hard to let the finish cure long enough. i just want to glue the thing together... cooler heads prevailed and i waited.
the glue ups went very well. i broke this down into six glue up. it went just like butter.
the finale glue up.
i tried something new to me for attaching the top to the base. these elongated washers are from lee valley and offer hidden attachment. since the top floats, i thought that these would be more fitting for this table.
... and here it is, all done, and before august ...
hows the lathe/mortiser workin' out for ya?
yeah i have a feeling my king stones are junky compared to those shapton stones, but are they really worth the price?
and of course beautiful table, im really digging the top! im hoping mine turns out as nicely and i feel you on the pre-finishing deal. yes you get an awesome finish but christ when you just want the damn thing together, a week's worth of oiling isnt much fun.
i just thats when you make a little box to kill the time!
the lathe:mortiser is working just fine. my x:y was a little sticky, but asides from that, just fine. kinda nice to be able to try out different cutter speeds for different size cutters too.
not sure how much the shapton's go for, but they are definitely nice.
That is looking nice. You better whip up some nice coasters.
I'd love to see some more detail on your mortiser. I've been trying to figure out how to convert a Newton B 100 boring machine.
Merroux Pactale that's a nice table! I need to go back and see how you did the lip around the table top. Did you happen to discuss that at some point? I can't recall but it sure is pretty.
Amazing how quickly you can work when you use the machines hey?!
I'll have to invite Daisuke to my shop for a visit when it's done. I could sure use some Shapton stones....Did he leave the flattening stone too?
Wow beautiful work good sir, and timely! Looks like that table just built itself ha.
I second inviting Daisuke to my shop ha!
Love it. You are now in charge of ensuring dad actually sends it to us. Actually, I'll call him, you've done enough. Its amazing that you took our vague direction and created something so perfect. Bravo.
thanks for the comments folks.
tyler, i think there are photos of the lathe:mortiser in some older posts. the newton should be fairly easy to get to work. i think. is the problem getting a chuck on the spindle, or an x:y table on the front?
Hey I'm not Santa Claus, guys.
Nicely done, jacques. I should've left my fingerprint on it.
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